Where you can source high quality seeds and bulbs


Growing from the ground up

At some point in your life, if you haven't already, I encourage growing from seed or bulb. It could be some flowers, some parsley, iris or crocus. It does not matter, what does is the process taking place; a transformative act of humility coupled with the sheer joy of child-like wonder. 

It’s always delightfully mind boggling to me that the seed, sometimes the size of a grain of sand, has the potential in one season to grow into a massive plant dripping with blossoms and produce millions of seeds for the next season. It’s incredible. 

Like many tasks where you may want to focus on the results of your effort – the entire process offers the real reward. Being present, attentive, curious, and resilient during every phase is how to be a steward of the seed. 


Sometimes they germinate, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes you spend an exorbitant amount of time or resources taking care of something only for it to die later down the road from lack of water, a squirrel, too much sun or too little, or some fungus. It does happen. Or shall I say it will happen. Nature happens. It’s normal. And the discovery is in becoming aware of neutrality and ageless cycles. 

In order to begin your own quest, I thought I would share with you some of my go to seed suppliers. Therefore if you are so inclined you can experiment and explore by stepping into a realm of force and creativity that’s happening all the time. 
It’s more often during the winter months where I begin to imagine, plan, and take inventory of what seeds I have in my collection and which ones I’d like to introduce. 

Though I have a robust seed collection, one which has grown from saving my own seeds over the years or being gifted seeds from friends, I still source new varieties every winter and spring. It’s one of the most important, powerful, and revolutionary things one can participate in. In a way you become a source for new life. 

I encourage everyone to give it a go. If you’re new to it or confused, then The Weekly Seed series is worth watching. And for those who want to bookmark some great suppliers, the following list is a good starting point. 

There are many options and I would love to hear about seed companies that you know and love. Drop them in the comments below.

Easy to Grow Bulbs - This company was recommended to me via a fellow flower grower in Hawaii. They have an amazing collection of bulbs and flower seeds. 

Floret Flowers - An exceptional source of flower seed to integrate into your vegetable garden.  Floret Flowers recently has launched the seeds of it’s own breading program, with a focus on zinnia, dahlia, and celosia varieties. They also have some great tools, digital workshops, and books.  

Grand Prismatic Seeds - A great source for unique open pollinated seeds. Also an incredible resource for dye plants, herbs, and native varieties to the west.  

Johnny's Selected Seeds - Supporting Farms & Gardens Since 1973. When I first came to farming Johnny’s Seeds was one of the primary sources. Over the course of the five years I worked on small CSA farms in Oregon, Johnny’s was the reliable go to. Over twenty years later, I still order supplies and seeds from them. They are fantastic.  

Territorial Seed Company - Vegetable, Flower, & Herb Garden Seeds. What I said about Johnny’s applies also to Territorial Seeds. There is something familiar and reliable about them. Highly recommend. 

Renee’s Garden - A wonderful resource for organic vegetable, flower and herb seed mixes. They actively donate seeds to organizations and educational programs worldwide that work to improve social, economic and health conditions and promote sustainable organic gardening practices.

Seed Savers Exchange Heirloom Seeds - I first heard of Seed Savers back in my permaculture days. This Iowa based farm champions heirloom seed varieties and is deeply committed to preserving these methods amidst the rapid changes in agriculture.

Snake River Seeds - A great place for resources, tips and seeds. They also sell grains should you be interested in trying out some interesting varieties to diversify your garden for both pollinators and the vitality of your soil. 

Strictly Medicinal Seeds - Organic growers of medicinal herb seeds, medicinal herb plants, organic vegetable seeds and organic garden seeds. If you are interested in growing your own medicine garden, cultivating herbs or looking for rare or obscure seeds this is your place. 

Northwest Garden Nursery - The O’Brynes are dear friends and have an incredible garden. My dream is to have something similar to the gardens they’ve created. Based close to Eugene OR, they specialize in hellebores, though also have a wide selection of perennials if you are in the Pacific Northwest. Incredibly knowledgeable. 

Plants of the Southwest - A great collection of seeds for the greater Southwest region. Located in New Mexico, though applicable for AZ, NM, CO, UT. I’m an advocate for sourcing, cultivating, and propagating seeds that are local; familiar with the conditions and patterns of your region.