Philosophy and Values


The fullness of landscape and how we connect to it are at the heart of this business, and I’m committed to share this through the mission of bringing beauty into our surroundings by integrating natural elements into spatial design.

I believe that how we design our lives; from the homes we live in, the places we work, the gardens we grow, even how we take care of our bodies has to be in harmony with nature. The relationship with our surroundings is one of the most dynamic and powerful partnerships we can restore.

I’m a dedicated steward of the earth having a deep understanding and love of plants. I believe in small scale organic growing practices which, when cultivated and supported can thrive and feed communities.

I’m dedicated to teaching others to grow gardens, large or small, knowing that they have all the skills at their fingertips. I believe gardens can heal and serve as a bridge, reminding us what it means to be a part of the natural world.

I believe in sharing all that I know. I do this through consulting and education. I’ve learned so much over the years, from growing, to sourcing, to medicine making, to design and I’m delighted to pass this along through this platform.

I believe in light and magic. I know amazing things can happen when one begins to slow down, listen, expand the senses, and attune to nature. We are not a mere small spec within space. We are magnificent.  





We are surrounded by beauty. From a starry sky, to a well-designed building, to a woven cloth, to the sound of birdsong, to the smell of a simmering stew – Beauty is something we experience. It is not limited to our eyes. Interact with space. It is sensational.


Nature is my wisest teacher. It is where I feel most at ease. I continue to learn about my own nature through being in Nature. I save seeds, plant vegetables, and gather food from the garden. Nature, its elements and rhythms, reminds me how intricately connected I am. It’s where my food and medicine comes.


I believe in keeping it simple. Too much of this or that is a burden. There is freedom and delight in simplicity.


Quality over quantity. You begin to create time by slowing down. Invest in good products and equipment. Good fabrics, leathers, wood, salt, olive oil, vegetables, and wine, to name a few things, can inspire and delight. Nothing else nourishes us more than loving connection, shared over food.


Gathering together is a human act. Whether surrounding a table, on a cloth on the earth, or encircling a fire, we’ve known communion when we gather. We connect to share the harvest, the hunt, and the story. To come together mean being a part of something greater that you alone. It’s a ceremony to pause, to remember, and to celebrate life.