Terms & Conditions



Returns & Refunds

All sales be it productized services or physical products with Surround Life Design, LLC are final and non-refundable.

Sales Tax

At this time a 7.625% sales tax is applied to New Mexico customers, as Surround Life Design, LLC is based in Bernalillo county and compliant with the GRT Schedule. New Mexico is a destination based state.

Intellectual Property

All material on surroundlife.com are the copyright and/or intellectual property of Surround Life Design, LLC. This includes but not limited to, market creative, written copy, images, both illustrated and photograph, and design icon logos. Nothing can be taken or reproduced without the written consent of Surround Life Design, LLC.

Changes to terms

Surround Life Design, LLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the Terms under which products and services are offered and delivered. The most current version of the Terms will supersede all previous versions. The Company encourages you to periodically review the Terms to stay informed of our updates

Shipping - Packing material

Whenever possible, Surround Life will re-use, re-purpose, and re-utilize packing paper, and boxes. Thank you for your support, we do not need to produce new packing material for fulfillment, there is plenty out there already. The materials will be clean and pass Surrounds quality and care standards.

At this time, we ship within the USA only.

Terms of Service

RE: The Floral Café 

By purchasing your ticket for the Floral Café you, the Client, are voluntarily agreeing to participate in the aforementioned workshop with Surround Life Design, LLC. The Client, upon purchase, confirms and agrees to the terms and expectations laid out in the program details. The Client takes full responsibility for any damage, loss or injury while on the premises. Participation is at the Client's discretion and all risk and liability are that of the Client’s responsibility not that of Surround Life Design, LLC.

RE: The online Master Garden Growing Project

Terms of Participation

Please read carefully by purchasing this product you (herein referred to as "Client") agrees to follow the terms stated herein.


Surround Life Design LLC (herein referred to as "Surround" or "Company") agrees to provide the Course, “Master Gardening Project“(herein referred to as "Course”) identified in online commerce shopping cart. Client agrees to abide by all policies and procedures as outlined in this agreement as a condition of their participation in the Course. Once client purchases course you will have lifetime access to the resources and materials. If by any reason the platform for hosting the digital media changes the Company will provide advanced notification to client. Currently it is housed in the Squarespace site.


Client understands that the content and materials generated in this Course is based on Erin Johnson’s (herein referred to as "Consultant") professional and personal experiences farming and gardening. Client understands that a relationship between Consultant and Client is one based on outdoor, environmental education. The relationship will not exist between the parties after the conclusion of this course. If the Parties choose to continue their relationship, a separate agreement will be entered into.


The fee for Master Gardening Project is $397. Client will be responsible for any additional taxes incurred if located in the state of New Mexico. Company is responsible for applicable state GRT (Gross Receipt Tax) See more tax applicable information here

Methods of payment

By paying in full the client agrees to pay the Course fee through the Company website www.surroundlife.com using credit card, debit card, or paypal. At this time there digital products are non-refundable. Please ensure that you are committed to the Course prior to payment, as all sales will be considered final.

Quality of work guarantee

The Company guarantees the quality of the Course. Client understands there are no guarantees to outcomes due to variables outside of the Company’s direct control.

Cancellation policy

The program cannot be canceled nor is it non-refundable. Client may request to postpone, delay, and or enroll in the next scheduled program without penalty due to reasons not limited to natural disasters, family emergency, and vacations. Client understands that payment is due as specified in the current payment plan, regardless of a delay request or other issues. All delay requests are discretionary as determined by Surround. 

Changes to terms

The Company reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change the Terms under which the Course is offered. The most current version of the Terms will supersede all previous versions. The Company encourages you to periodically review the Terms to stay informed of our updates

External links related to Course

Occasionally the Company will link to external websites, resources, authors, or recommendations, which are provided for both information and convenience. The Company is not responsible for the availability or content of other services that may be linked from this website. The Company is not responsible or liable for any content, accuracy, quality, advertising, products or other materials on or available from such services, which we do not control.

If the external link is an Affiliate it will be noted. If the product or service is purchased byway of an Affiliate link, Surround Life Design would receive a percentage of that transaction.