Surround Living seasonal announcements


Spring Announcements

I’ve been on a writing streak since October and am ready for a little break. Just like nature needs to pause and reset, be it with a storm, a season, or the glow of the moon versus the warmth of the sun, we all need time for reflection – to receive rather than produce. It's what I’m calling, the art of slow time.

Writing, like any other creative act, is an emergent. It comes from somewhere, the reservoir of life’s experiences and imagination. In order to refill the creative tank on what to share and how to share it, I’m giving myself a couple weeks to think. I'm deliberately carving out the space to contemplate new topics and explore the depths of ones I’ve only brushed the surface of. 

I also need to be in the garden. The rhythmic tasks of seeding and watering are ramping up. New design plans for the yard are in the works as well as reevaluating an entire irrigation system to prepare for another hot summer. Good news, it’s all medicine for my mental clarity.

If you have any burning ideas and questions, leave them in the comments below. Your ideas, stories, and suggestions continue to inspire me, let alone give me great topics to explore.

In the meantime, check out some of the latest posts that you may have missed and some of the current and upcoming offerings I have available.

The blog

Words to lighten your day

Explorations of a wilder sort, slow gardening and lifestyle practices, and the art of arranging flowers.

The Floral Café

Face to face connection

The Floral Café, an opportunity to meet and work in person. True hospitality, real connection, and the time to explore unique local floral designs. Join the waitlist to be notified of upcoming dates this summer and early fall.

Intuitive Arrangements

Creative play

A self-paced digital series for flower lovers covering basic mechanics and botanical design called Intuitive Arrangements. It’s a combined mini-series of videos and resources for you to expand your senses, hone your style, and connect to the elements behind the blossoms. You can access this anywhere in the world at any time. Move in and out whenever it works for you.

Plant Planning

Garden guidance

Providing organization, clarity, structure & spaciousness in landscapes and gardens through naturalistic design.