Graceful guidance on how to pause and pray

Pause for a moment.




Thank you for all that the earth has given me. For my hands and heart being steadfast partners.


It does not have to be

the blue iris, it could be

weeds in a vacant lot, or a few

small stones; just

pay attention, then patch

a few small words together and don’t try

to make them elaborate, this isn’t

a contest but a doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which

another voice may speak.

~Mary Oliver

In the moments standing over the sizzle and pop of chopped vegetables in a skillet I am calm. While pouring spices and orange blossom water into lamb stew, a breath comes easily into my chest. It is soft and without strain. My senses awaken. Instincts deepen.

The prayer begins long before this moment and will continue long after the meal is complete. We all know how to pray just, it is hidden within each breath and pause – each moment of stillness. There is no wrong or right way to pray or to say grace. Yet, start with gratitude, humility, and love. Cooking is a living prayer and one that I relish in daily.

I am more myself in this moment than in many others. Cooking has taught me to listen and to watch, carefully. It has taught me to be patient. The drama and crap of the day is exhausted into the cooking fire and like M. Oliver says above, another voice speaks.

To discover this sense of presence, I had to be present. I had to show up again and again. Ultimately taking care of myself and dishing up food for one guest, me. In doing this I was able to sit, pause, and literally re-connect to the earth via the food on my plate. I never understood the dislike or discomfort of making food for just oneself.

This belief causes paralysis for one and then many. I find such pleasure in the time it takes going to the market, conjuring up something to make, and looking at recipes. Anything can be possible. Chopping and boiling are simple and satisfying. The prelude to sitting at the table. I pause, take in the smell, and in delight give thanks. The food responding back playfully, its fragrance covering my face in steam.

With grace, sit down for your next meal. Take the hand closest to you. Pause.