How slow gardening and flower arranging supports mental health and balance

There is a part of me that bristles at the trendy buzz words that get thrown around the current media. As though self-care, mental health, or conscious eating are all together new and radical concepts that a supplement or juicing can solve. 

In my opinion, they are inherently acts in which we lean into compassion and love. It’s as much of a process as being human. They already belong to us. They are concepts known in our bones to be true. However, procrastination or avoidance, coupled with listening to outside voices in contrast to our own, can lead to incongruencies, unsupportive habits, and short term experiments. 


If your dreaming of starting a garden, let’s talk – Garden Consultation

Or create and play on your own time – Intuitive Arrangements is a self-paced digital series for flower lovers covering basic mechanics and botanical design. Expand your senses, hone your style, and connect to the elements behind the blossoms. Immediate access upon purchase.