Actualizing a life that's connected to the rhythm of nature


Over twenty years ago I wrapped an Asian Art History degree, did a stint in northern India to deepen my knowledge of culture, language, art and craft, and architecture, and spent five years working on small organic fruit and vegetable farms in the Pacific Northwest. The last one was because I wanted to put into practice or shall I say, actualize a life that was connected to the rhythm of nature. 

Being in India exposed me to Ayurveda, which I then later studied in depth and continue to practice, to some degree, even now. Traveling halfway around the world as a young woman paved the way for future travel and a love of discovering new places, people, food, and how life is celebrated. Farming forever tethered me to a presence of being in the natural world and of leaning into my senses and instincts. 

These are just a couple experiences from my life, yet both influenced the concept of Intuitive Arrangements. I was taught Ayurveda by the book, classically or traditionally you might say. It was a mental explosion. It’s neither good nor bad, just what it was. Thankfully from a young age I’d found solace in nature’s silent language. Looking back on it now, I know my sense of wonder and observation drew me to Ayurveda, for Ayurveda is merely another language embracing the totality of nature. You and I are simply members of it. 

It's taken me a long time to trust my body's own capacity to heal and to recognize that my body, mind, and spirit are inseparable. The most transformative, impactful, and at times magical acts have been those in which I've purposely engaged with nature. She's an ancient teacher.

If you feel disconnected from yourself, your intuition, or your senses, it may be a sign that the body and spirit could use some time in nature or with the elements that make it up. Yes, it’s simple. Maybe hard to do. It’s a shift in attention. I find flowers, gardening, and cooking to be accessible ways in which to cross the threshold. It’s something you and I can do, daily.

Life’s about being lived and celebrated!