Helping soloists and small businesses in the fields of slow living, food, holistic wellness, and artful design clarify copy, nail messaging, and develop their story in order to share it with the world.
I write. I edit—Amplifying your voice by making the words clear, organized, and meaningful. To balance all of that and for a little change of scenery I garden, hence a garden interlude. Check out The CenterPiece, my weekly publication for the latest notes and essays.
Offering | Monthly and One–Time Services in:
Creative strategy and consulting
Content communications road mapping
Organization & flow management
Editorial direction
Copywriting & voice
Niche: Memoir, Nature & Gardens, Self Help, Ayurveda, Well-being, Culinary, Short Stories
Selected clients include:
Ayurveda for the People with Cory Tixier
Hale Pule Ayurveda and Yoga with Myra Lewin
The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont
Vidya Living with Claire Ragozzino
Desakota with Elaine Kwong
Silent Living Portugal
Sasha Verbillis-Kolp Consulting
Bernardette Hernandez Yoga
The Shakti School with Katie Silcox
Andrew Mychal Bendik